Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The iceberg of gender based violence

  • What is gender-based violence for you? 


  • Watch the video and fill in the gaps:

To end men's violence against women we need to challenge the _________________ of violence. These are the attitudes, actions and social norms that devalue and discriminate against women.

Violence against women ______________ with gender inequality. Sexist behaviour creates a culture where it's ok to______________ about and belittle women. A third of Victorians have witnessed sexism towards women.  It's time we stand up and say "That's not OK". 

Gender inequality restricts women's rights to _________________, leadership roles, and equal pay. Australian women are overrepresented as part time __________________ in low paid industries. Traditional gender roles limit women and men and reinforce gender ________________. 8 out of 10 women aged 18 to 24 were harassed on the _______________in the past year. Threats and harassment limit a woman's ability to challenge gender inequality.

1 in 3 women have experienced __________________ violence since the age of 15. Violence is not always visible. It is about using_______________ and _______________. 

Gender equality creates a level playing field which does not support violence against women. 

In Australia, one woman is murdered a week by a partner or former partner. To end men's violence against women we need to challenge these foundations of violence. We can all do this by challenging gender inequality. Make The Link

  • Watch the video again and answer the questions: 

1. What is the base of gender violence, how does it originate? 

2. What can we do to eradicate gender violence? 

  • In groups make a list of attitudes, behaviours, practices… that you consider foster the gender inequality. Think about the way we behave at class, with the family, in your neighbourhood, during your free time, at work…






  • In groups discuss about the things you as an individual or that as we all as a society can do to change this behaviours. The following expressions can help you to express your opinion.